FC St Pauli
The street carries st. Pauli
It's finally here - the cat is out of the bag: there's a new collaboration and we couldn't be more excited to finally introduce it to you:
True to the motto "The street carries St. Pauli" we have designed three distinctive ring models for the FC that both die-hard fans and St. Pauli lovers will not want to take off their fingers.
Now available in the fan shops of FC St.Pauli, Reeperbahn and Millerntor, as well as from us.
When Oke Göttlich asked us at the beginning of the year whether we could imagine developing the official player ring for FC St. Pauli and producing it in our studio in Hamburg - of course we didn't hesitate for a second and said/shouted "yes"!
We are very proud (even though we actually avoid this expression) to have made this ring in our studio in Hamburg from recycled sterling silver from C.Hafner and using renewable energy sources. Because that's something to be proud of: content that doesn't exclude
but integrate that respects the dignity of all people and is committed to humanity and love!
"Another football is possible" - is written on the ring head!
That's exactly how we see it, as a small Hamburg jewelry manufacturer - because other jewelry is also possible. Sustainability has been very important to us since we were founded in 2007. But sustainability is not only important to us in the use of materials; for us, sustainability also means a different form of design. Courage to make an independent statement that cannot be comfortable or pleasing, neither for us nor for others, but in the best case scenario, it exposes stereotypes and in the end puts the content back in the foreground. That you are evaluated based on your craftsmanship and not based on a lifestyle-economy marketing strategy without attitude.
At this point we would like to thank Florian Kehbel once again, who filmed and edited this little film for us!
In this sense,
Jonathan Johnson